Thursday 2 June 2011

Over a year has passed, and I still can't see the progress.

I might have had to update this blog every once in a while I think, just to keep things going. I did manage to blog about Go for nearly a year, only to end up being sick again. My health isn't doing me any favours and every time my son comes home from the daycare he brings a new set of bacteria and/or viruses and gives them all to me. Thankfully it's over for the summer and I can hope to recover a bit before the fall comes and it all starts over again.

So I also played Go on the Advanced Study Room League for a while and ended up letting go again because of health issues. I was too embarrassed about it to log in on KGS to even let people know where I disappeared to. Been down about it ever since.

I applied for artisan studies this year. Three different courses; gold smith, "design and modelling" and graphic design. All the entry exams were held last month. I think they went rather well, although I managed to get a horrible flu in the middle of the last exam day. The results will be notified some time this month I guess.

When I still wasn't yet recovered from the flu I started reading r/GetMotivated again and found some new will power to try out the 100 push-ups program I used to try without success some while back, now with a tool that notifies me when I have to do the push-ups, and even sit-ups. It's pretty handy, as now I don't have to print or write the next day's sets beforehand, all I need to do is follow the instructions. That's pretty straightforward. So I decided to get my health back a bit by bit. And maybe also lose a few from my midsection. I haven't been to the dojo in a while, and it would be very nice to get back to training. And about that Go, I would like to start playing again. Maybe get back in shape first.

I actually managed to pull off making some gobans, albeit not from wood, but leather. I have plans of making more of them, if I can get my hands on similar tools and materials. Even sold a couple of them. That was fun.

I haven't been too motivated lately, but here I am, trying again, hoping to succeed this time. Wish me luck. ^^

One more thing. I am trying to set up an IPv6 connection through SixXS, but haven't yet been very successful. I got my router (Linksys w/ dd-wrt) almost working, but I still don't understand how to check if everything works allright. If anyone were so helpful to drop me a hint on how to make these things work I'd be very happy.

See ya soon!